
888 Lots


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888 Lots company was established in Linden, NJ, United States, in 2015. Albert Palacci is the CEO of 888 Lots and puts this company on the way to success in a short period of 6 years.

Basically, it is a B2B liquidation business that gathers the inventory by unsorted liquidation and surplus inventory. This is the reason their product range is very reasonable.

They have maintained an inventory of 10,000 products with 30 different categories at a time. Their skilled staff assembles this stock in different lots. They make their customer free from the hassle of the auction and they can directly place orders for the required lots or products.

They have multiple options such as lots, individual items, truckload, and making a lot (custom lot).

Even the lots are available in different sizes i.e. less than 50 items, 50- 200 items, and more than 200 items. The several options to make deals and assorted stock in categories and subcategories make the buying process easier.

888 lots have amazing features of tier merchandise, negotiation, manifest data, behalf financing, and FB8 calculator that make them superior to others. Among all, behalf financing has instant buying power, extended terms, and saving options that are really beneficial to small businesses.

Wholesalers can acquire quality stock and even new pieces are added to it on a daily basis. That is why they have earned a good reputation among their customers.

Now, the entire range of stock is accessible through SeeBiz. Their products are available in apparel, toys & games, home & garden, health & beauty, and other categories. While the staff is accessible by making direct connections with them through SeeBiz.
